Freight-hub Make Things Work Fri, 22 Nov 2024 02:36:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Freight-hub 32 32 3 Tips Memilih Platform Digital Logistik yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda Fri, 22 Nov 2024 02:32:02 +0000 Blogs / 3 Tips Memilih Platform Digital Logistik yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda 3 Tips Memilih Platform Digital Logistik yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda FRI, 22 NOV 24 Di era digital seperti saat ini, platform logistik telah menjadi solusi yang tak terelakkan bagi bisnis yang ingin mengoptimalkan proses pengiriman dan distribusi barang. Mengadopsi platform digital […]

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3 Tips Memilih Platform Digital Logistik yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda

3 Tips Memilih Platform Digital Logistik yang Tepat untuk Bisnis Anda

Di era digital seperti saat ini, platform logistik telah menjadi solusi yang tak terelakkan bagi bisnis yang ingin mengoptimalkan proses pengiriman dan distribusi barang. Mengadopsi platform digital logistik yang tepat bukan hanya soal mempermudah operasional, tetapi juga meningkatkan efisiensi dan kepuasan pelanggan. Namun, dengan banyaknya pilihan di pasaran, bagaimana cara memilih platform yang paling sesuai? Berikut ini 3 tips yang bisa membantu Anda dalam memilih platform digital logistik terbaik untuk bisnis Anda.

1. Pertimbangkan Kebutuhan Bisnis Anda

Sebelum memilih platform digital logistik, langkah pertama yang perlu Anda lakukan adalah memahami kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Setiap bisnis memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, sehingga penting untuk menilai hal-hal berikut:

  • Volume Pengiriman: Apakah bisnis Anda membutuhkan layanan logistik skala besar atau cukup dengan pengiriman skala kecil? Platform yang berbeda menawarkan fitur yang berbeda pula, sehingga penting untuk memastikan bahwa platform tersebut mampu menangani volume pengiriman Anda dengan baik.
  • Jenis Barang: Apakah produk yang Anda kirim bersifat sensitif atau memerlukan penanganan khusus, seperti barang mudah pecah atau barang yang membutuhkan pendinginan? Pilih platform yang menawarkan fitur seperti pelacakan real-time dan opsi layanan khusus untuk jenis barang tersebut.
  • Tujuan Pengiriman: Jika Anda mengirim barang ke luar negeri, pastikan platform digital logistik yang Anda pilih memiliki jaringan pengiriman internasional yang luas dan pengalaman dalam menangani dokumen ekspor-impor.

Dengan menganalisis kebutuhan spesifik bisnis Anda, Anda akan lebih mudah menemukan platform yang menyediakan fitur yang tepat dan relevan.

Baca juga artikel: Digitalisasi apakah masih relevan dalam industri logistik untuk saat ini?

2. Evaluasi Fitur Digital Logistik yang Ditawarkan

Teknologi adalah inti dari platform digital logistik. Fitur yang ditawarkan oleh platform logistik digital akan sangat mempengaruhi efektivitas dan efisiensi operasional Anda. Beberapa fitur penting yang perlu Anda perhatikan meliputi:

  • Pelacakan Real-Time: Fitur ini memungkinkan Anda dan pelanggan untuk memantau status pengiriman secara real-time. Pelacakan yang akurat dapat meningkatkan transparansi dan mengurangi ketidakpastian dalam proses pengiriman.
  • Integrasi API: Pilih platform yang menawarkan integrasi API untuk menghubungkan sistem logistik dengan sistem ERP atau e-commerce yang Anda gunakan. Hal ini akan memudahkan Anda dalam mengelola pesanan dan inventaris secara terintegrasi.
  • Otomatisasi dan Analitik: Platform yang mendukung otomatisasi proses pengiriman, seperti penjadwalan pengiriman otomatis dan analitik prediktif, dapat membantu Anda mengurangi kesalahan manusia dan mengambil keputusan berbasis data.

Fitur teknologi yang canggih akan membantu Anda menjalankan operasional lebih efisien dan memberikan layanan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggan.

3. Tinjau Reputasi dan Dukungan Layanan Pelanggan

Saat memilih platform digital logistik, jangan lupa untuk mengevaluasi reputasi dan kualitas layanan pelanggan dari penyedia platform. Beberapa hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan adalah:

  • Ulasan dan Testimoni: Baca ulasan dan testimoni dari pengguna lain untuk mengetahui pengalaman mereka dengan platform tersebut. Ini bisa memberikan gambaran mengenai keandalan dan kualitas layanan yang ditawarkan.
  • Dukungan Pelanggan 24/7: Masalah teknis bisa terjadi kapan saja, terutama jika bisnis Anda beroperasi secara online 24/7. Pastikan platform yang Anda pilih memiliki tim dukungan pelanggan yang responsif dan siap membantu kapan saja.
  • Stabilitas dan Skalabilitas: Pilih platform yang memiliki rekam jejak yang baik dan stabil dalam operasionalnya. Selain itu, platform tersebut harus mampu berskala mengikuti pertumbuhan bisnis Anda.

Platform logistik digital dengan reputasi baik dan dukungan layanan yang andal akan meminimalkan risiko operasional dan membantu Anda fokus pada pengembangan bisnis.


Memilih platform digital logistik yang tepat adalah keputusan strategis yang bisa berdampak besar pada efisiensi operasional dan kepuasan pelanggan. Dengan mempertimbangkan kebutuhan bisnis, mengevaluasi fitur teknologi, serta meninjau reputasi dan layanan pelanggan, Anda akan lebih siap untuk membuat pilihan yang tepat. Freighthub hadir sebagai penyedia platform logistik yang menawarkan berbagai macam fitur yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan bisnis anda serta dukungan layanan agar anda dapat mendapatkan experiance yang memuaskan. Ingat, platform yang baik bukan hanya sekadar alat, tetapi mitra yang membantu Anda mencapai kesuksesan jangka panjang.

Semoga tips ini membantu Anda dalam memilih platform digital logistik terbaik untuk bisnis Anda. Selamat berinovasi dan sukses selalu!

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Digitalisasi apakah masih relevan dalam industri logistik untuk saat ini? Thu, 24 Oct 2024 02:52:22 +0000 Blogs / Digitalisasi apakah masih relevan dalam industri logistik untuk saat ini? Digitalisasi apakah masih relevan dalam industri logistik untuk saat ini? WED, 23 OCT 24 Digitalisasi di industri logistik khususnya dalam transportasi dan manajemen rantai pasok, masih sangat relevan untuk saat ini dan akan terus berkembang. Menurut laporan dari McKinsey & Company pada tahun […]

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Digitalisasi apakah masih relevan dalam industri logistik untuk saat ini?

Digitalisasi di industri logistik khususnya dalam transportasi dan manajemen rantai pasok, masih sangat relevan untuk saat ini dan akan terus berkembang. Menurut laporan dari McKinsey & Company pada tahun 2022 mengenai digitalisasi dalam rantai pasok dan logistik mengidentifikasi bahwa penerapan teknologi digital, seperti sistem manajemen transportasi (TMS), analisis data, dan kecerdasan buatan (AI), dapat menghasilkan peningkatan efisiensi operasional hingga 30%. Faktor utama yang mendukung peningkatan ini termasuk:

  • Optimasi Rute: AI membantu perusahaan logistik dalam memprediksi rute yang lebih efisien berdasarkan data lalu lintas dan kondisi cuaca.
  • Pengurangan Waktu Proses Manual: Automasi mengurangi waktu yang diperlukan untuk tugas administratif seperti pengelolaan dokumen pengiriman dan pembayaran.
  • Manajemen Inventaris dan Permintaan yang Lebih Baik: Big data dan AI memberikan wawasan tentang permintaan pelanggan, memungkinkan pengelolaan stok dan inventaris yang lebih efisien.

Selain itu, DHL Global Forwarding dan Supply Chain pada tahun 2023 mengenai tren digitalisasi dalam logistik menyebutkan bahwa 50% dari perusahaan logistik global telah meningkatkan investasi mereka dalam solusi digitalisasi seperti sistem TMS dan WMS (Warehouse Management Systems) untuk mendukung operasional logistik yang lebih efisien. Teknologi yang diprioritaskan meliputi:

  • IoT (Internet of Things): Digunakan untuk melacak aset secara real time baik dari kendaraan hingga kargo.
  • AI dan Machine Learning: Meningkatkan keakuratan prediksi, perencanaan permintaan, dan pengelolaan tenaga kerja.
  • SaaS (Software as a Service): Platform berbasis cloud yang memungkinkan integrasi dan kolaborasi lintas fungsi di berbagai lokasi geografis.

Baca juga artikel: Seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan digital freight platform

Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Kesiapan dan prediksi digitalisasi dalam industri logistik di Indonesia menunjukkan potensi yang besar, meskipun terdapat tantangan dalam penerapannya. Berikut adalah beberapa aspek terkait kesiapan dan prediksi digitalisasi logistik di Indonesia:

1. Kesiapan Digitalisasi Logistik di Indonesia

  • Pemerintah Mendukung Infrastruktur Digital: Pemerintah Indonesia melalui program Making Indonesia 4.0 telah mendukung inisiatif digitalisasi, termasuk di sektor logistik. Program ini mendorong implementasi teknologi seperti IoT, cloud computing, dan big data dalam rantai pasok. Selain itu, Kementerian Perindustrian Indonesia telah menyatakan bahwa digitalisasi adalah kunci untuk meningkatkan daya saing industri nasional.
  • Peningkatan Jaringan dan Infrastruktur: Investasi dalam jaringan internet dan infrastruktur digital terus berkembang. Dengan adanya pembangunan jaringan serat optik Palapa Ring yang rampung pada 2019, akses internet yang lebih merata menjadi langkah awal yang penting untuk mendukung digitalisasi di daerah-daerah yang sebelumnya sulit dijangkau.
  • Adopsi Teknologi SaaS (Software as a Service): Banyak perusahaan logistik di Indonesia mulai beralih ke sistem berbasis cloud untuk manajemen transportasi dan pergudangan. Platform SaaS mempermudah integrasi data dan pengelolaan operasi logistik secara real-time dengan biaya yang lebih rendah.
  • IoT dan TMS: IoT untuk pelacakan kendaraan dan kargo telah mulai diterapkan, terutama oleh perusahaan logistik besar. Sistem Manajemen Transportasi (TMS) juga semakin banyak digunakan untuk mengelola rute dan optimasi pengiriman.

Tantangan yang Dihadapi:

  • Kesenjangan Digital: Ada perbedaan signifikan antara adopsi teknologi di perkotaan dan daerah pedesaan atau terpencil, terutama karena infrastruktur dan konektivitas yang belum merata.
  • SDM dan Keahlian Teknologi: Kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang mahir dalam teknologi digital dan operasional rantai pasok masih menjadi hambatan untuk adopsi yang lebih cepat. Pengembangan keterampilan digital di kalangan pekerja logistik menjadi agenda penting untuk menghadapi tantangan ini.
  • Ketergantungan pada Proses Manual: Banyak perusahaan logistik kecil dan menengah masih mengandalkan proses manual, sehingga transisi ke digital membutuhkan investasi besar, terutama untuk bisnis dengan anggaran terbatas.

2. Prediksi Masa Depan Digitalisasi Logistik di Indonesia

  • Pertumbuhan Pasar Logistik Digital: Dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi digital yang diperkirakan mencapai USD 133 miliar pada tahun 2025 (Google, Temasek, Bain & Company), sektor logistik di Indonesia diharapkan tumbuh pesat, dengan digitalisasi sebagai katalis utama. Teknologi seperti TMS, WMS, dan cloud computing akan menjadi dasar operasional perusahaan logistik besar maupun kecil.
  • Adopsi Blockchain dan AI: Di masa depan, blockchain diprediksi akan semakin digunakan untuk meningkatkan transparansi rantai pasok, terutama untuk pelacakan produk dan pengiriman. AI juga akan memainkan peran penting dalam memprediksi permintaan, optimasi rute, dan efisiensi sumber daya di sektor logistik.
  • Otomasi dan Kendaraan Otonom: Dalam beberapa dekade mendatang, meskipun kendaraan otonom di Indonesia masih membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk diterapkan secara massal, tren otomasi dalam proses logistik, seperti penggunaan drone untuk pengiriman di perkotaan, bisa menjadi kenyataan. Pemerintah Indonesia telah mempersiapkan regulasi untuk pengembangan teknologi seperti ini.


Indonesia memiliki potensi besar dalam digitalisasi logistik, didukung oleh pertumbuhan ekonomi digital dan inisiatif pemerintah. Meskipun terdapat tantangan infrastruktur dan SDM, prediksi menunjukkan bahwa dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, adopsi teknologi seperti TMS, IoT, AI, dan blockchain akan semakin meluas, mendorong efisiensi dan daya saing industri logistik di Indonesia.

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Seberapa Besar Pengaruh Penggunaan Digital Freight Platform? Fri, 13 Sep 2024 03:43:05 +0000 Blogs / Seberapa Besar Pengaruh Penggunaan Digital Freight Platform? Seberapa Besar Pengaruh Penggunaan Digital Freight Platform? FRI, 13 SEP 24 Di era digital saat ini, hampir semua sektor industri mengalami transformasi signifikan berkat kemajuan teknologi. Salah satu bidang yang merasakan dampak besar dari inovasi ini adalah logistik, terutama melalui penggunaan platform digital freight. Platform ini […]

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Digital Freight Platform

Seberapa Besar Pengaruh Penggunaan Digital Freight Platform?

Di era digital saat ini, hampir semua sektor industri mengalami transformasi signifikan berkat kemajuan teknologi. Salah satu bidang yang merasakan dampak besar dari inovasi ini adalah logistik, terutama melalui penggunaan platform digital freight. Platform ini telah menjadi bagian integral dari ekosistem logistik global, mengubah cara perusahaan mengelola dan mengoptimalkan rantai pasokan mereka. Namun, seberapa besar pengaruhnya terhadap industri ini? Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas secara mendalam dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh penggunaan digital freight platform dalam logistik, dan bagaimana hal ini mengubah lanskap industri.

Evolusi Digital Freight Platform

Untuk memahami dampak penggunaan platform digital freight, kita perlu melihat evolusi teknologi ini dari masa ke masa. Platform digital freight pertama kali diperkenalkan sebagai solusi untuk meningkatkan transparansi dan efisiensi dalam pengelolaan pengiriman barang. Seiring dengan berkembangnya teknologi, platform ini telah mengalami banyak perubahan dan perbaikan, mulai dari sistem manajemen transportasi (TMS) hingga solusi berbasis cloud yang menawarkan analitik canggih dan integrasi dengan berbagai sistem.

Sebelum adanya platform digital, industri logistik bergantung pada metode tradisional yang sering kali melibatkan proses manual, komunikasi yang lambat, dan pengelolaan data yang terfragmentasi. Penggunaan telepon, faks, dan dokumen kertas adalah hal biasa, yang seringkali menyebabkan keterlambatan dan kesalahan dalam pengiriman barang. Dengan hadirnya platform digital freight, banyak dari masalah ini dapat diatasi dengan cara yang lebih efisien dan terintegrasi.

Meningkatkan Efisiensi Operasional

Salah satu dampak paling signifikan dari penggunaan platform digital freight adalah peningkatan efisiensi operasional. Platform ini menyediakan berbagai alat dan fitur yang memungkinkan perusahaan logistik untuk mengotomatisasi proses yang sebelumnya dilakukan secara manual. Misalnya, pemesanan dan pelacakan pengiriman dapat dilakukan secara real-time, memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengelola dan memantau status pengiriman dengan lebih mudah.

Penggunaan teknologi otomatisasi dalam platform digital freight membantu mengurangi waktu yang diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan berbagai tugas administratif, seperti pengolahan dokumen dan penjadwalan. Hal ini tidak hanya mengurangi beban kerja bagi staf, tetapi juga mempercepat proses pengiriman dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Selain itu, otomatisasi membantu mengurangi risiko kesalahan manusia, yang sering kali terjadi dalam proses manual.

Pengurangan Biaya

Selain meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, platform digital freight juga dapat membantu mengurangi biaya dalam operasi logistik. Dengan adanya visibilitas yang lebih baik terhadap data dan informasi terkait pengiriman, perusahaan dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik mengenai rute, metode pengiriman, dan pemilihan penyedia jasa. Ini dapat membantu mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya dan mengurangi biaya transportasi.

Misalnya, platform digital freight sering kali dilengkapi dengan fitur perbandingan harga dan algoritma pemilihan rute yang cerdas. Fitur ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memilih opsi pengiriman yang paling ekonomis dan efisien, berdasarkan kriteria seperti biaya, waktu pengiriman, dan kondisi cuaca. Selain itu, integrasi dengan sistem manajemen inventaris dan gudang dapat membantu mengurangi biaya penyimpanan dan menghindari kelebihan stok.

Meningkatkan Visibilitas dan Transparansi

Visibilitas dan transparansi adalah aspek penting dalam industri logistik, dan platform digital freight memainkan peran kunci dalam hal ini. Dengan adanya platform ini, semua pihak yang terlibat dalam rantai pasokan dapat mengakses informasi yang relevan secara real-time. Hal ini memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memantau status pengiriman, melacak lokasi barang, dan mendapatkan pembaruan terkini tentang estimasi waktu kedatangan.

Transparansi yang ditawarkan oleh platform digital freight membantu mengurangi ketidakpastian dan risiko dalam proses pengiriman. Misalnya, jika terjadi keterlambatan atau masalah lain, perusahaan dapat segera mengetahui dan mengambil tindakan yang diperlukan untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Ini juga memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih akurat kepada pelanggan mengenai status pesanan mereka, yang dapat meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan dan membangun kepercayaan.

Inovasi dan Kompetitif

Dalam dunia bisnis yang sangat kompetitif, inovasi adalah kunci untuk bertahan dan berkembang. Platform digital freight tidak hanya membantu perusahaan mengoptimalkan operasi mereka, tetapi juga memungkinkan mereka untuk berinovasi dan menawarkan layanan yang lebih baik kepada pelanggan. Misalnya, beberapa platform menawarkan fitur-fitur canggih seperti analitik prediktif, yang dapat membantu perusahaan memprediksi permintaan dan mengelola stok dengan lebih efektif.

Inovasi yang dihadirkan oleh platform digital freight juga mencakup kemampuan untuk mengintegrasikan berbagai teknologi baru, seperti Internet of Things (IoT), kecerdasan buatan (AI), dan blockchain. Integrasi ini dapat membuka peluang baru dalam hal otomatisasi, keamanan, dan efisiensi. Misalnya, penggunaan IoT dapat membantu dalam pelacakan kondisi barang secara real-time, sementara blockchain dapat meningkatkan keamanan dan transparansi dalam transaksi logistik.

Studi Kasus: Implementasi Platform Digital Freight

Untuk memberikan gambaran yang lebih jelas tentang dampak penggunaan platform digital freight, mari kita lihat beberapa studi kasus dari perusahaan-perusahaan yang telah berhasil mengimplementasikan teknologi ini.

Studi Kasus 1: Perusahaan Logistik Multinasional

Salah satu perusahaan logistik multinasional terkemuka memutuskan untuk mengadopsi platform digital freight guna mengatasi tantangan dalam pengelolaan rantai pasokan global mereka. Dengan menggunakan platform ini, perusahaan dapat mengintegrasikan berbagai sistem yang sebelumnya terpisah, termasuk manajemen transportasi, gudang, dan inventaris.

Hasil dari implementasi ini sangat mengesankan. Perusahaan mengalami peningkatan signifikan dalam efisiensi operasional, dengan waktu pemrosesan pesanan yang berkurang sebesar 30% dan pengurangan biaya transportasi sebesar 15%. Selain itu, visibilitas yang lebih baik terhadap status pengiriman memungkinkan perusahaan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengatasi masalah dengan lebih cepat, mengurangi tingkat keterlambatan dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.

Studi Kasus 2: Perusahaan E-Commerce

Perusahaan e-commerce yang sedang berkembang menghadapi tantangan dalam mengelola pengiriman barang ke pelanggan di seluruh dunia. Mereka memutuskan untuk menggunakan platform digital freight untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan mengurangi biaya pengiriman. Platform ini memungkinkan mereka untuk mengoptimalkan rute pengiriman dan memilih penyedia jasa yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka.

Implementasi platform digital freight membantu perusahaan dalam mengurangi biaya pengiriman hingga 20% dan mempercepat waktu pengiriman rata-rata sebesar 25%. Selain itu, kemampuan untuk memantau status pengiriman secara real-time memungkinkan perusahaan untuk memberikan informasi yang lebih akurat kepada pelanggan dan meningkatkan pengalaman belanja mereka.

Tantangan dalam Adopsi Teknologi

Meskipun manfaat penggunaan platform digital freight sangat signifikan, ada beberapa tantangan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam proses adopsi teknologi ini. Salah satu tantangan utama adalah biaya investasi awal yang mungkin tinggi, terutama bagi perusahaan kecil dan menengah. Selain itu, integrasi dengan sistem yang sudah ada dan pelatihan staf untuk menggunakan platform baru juga dapat menjadi kendala.

Selain itu, perusahaan perlu memastikan bahwa platform yang mereka pilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan tujuan bisnis mereka. Tidak semua platform menawarkan fitur yang sama, dan memilih platform yang tepat memerlukan evaluasi yang cermat terhadap berbagai faktor, termasuk skalabilitas, dukungan teknis, dan keamanan data.

Masa Depan Digital Freight Platform

Melihat tren dan perkembangan teknologi saat ini, masa depan platform digital freight tampaknya sangat menjanjikan. Dengan terus berkembangnya teknologi seperti AI, IoT, dan blockchain, kita dapat mengharapkan platform ini untuk menawarkan fitur yang lebih canggih dan kemampuan yang lebih baik dalam mengelola rantai pasokan.

Selain itu, semakin banyak perusahaan yang menyadari manfaat dari digitalisasi dalam logistik, dan adopsi platform digital freight diperkirakan akan meningkat secara signifikan. Hal ini akan mendorong inovasi lebih lanjut dan mempercepat transformasi industri logistik secara keseluruhan.


Penggunaan platform digital freight telah membawa perubahan besar dalam industri logistik, dengan dampak yang signifikan terhadap efisiensi operasional, pengurangan biaya, visibilitas, dan inovasi. Freighthub hadir untuk membantu dalam melakukan implementasi digital. Meskipun ada tantangan dalam adopsi teknologi ini, manfaat yang ditawarkannya jauh melebihi risiko dan investasi yang diperlukan. Dengan terus berkembangnya teknologi dan semakin banyaknya perusahaan yang mengadopsi solusi digital, kita dapat mengharapkan industri logistik menjadi lebih efisien, transparan, dan inovatif di masa depan.

Platform digital freight tidak hanya mengubah cara perusahaan mengelola operasi logistik mereka, tetapi juga memberikan kesempatan untuk berinovasi dan bersaing di pasar global. Dengan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang dampak dan manfaat dari teknologi ini, perusahaan dapat membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan memanfaatkan peluang yang ada untuk meningkatkan kinerja mereka dalam industri logistik yang terus berkembang.

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The QA Process at Freight-Hub Mon, 18 Mar 2024 02:34:53 +0000 Blogs / The QA Process at Freight-Hub The QA Process at Freight-Hub MON, 18 MAR 24 Jasri Silvika Aysyah Quality Engineer Enthusiast Freight-hub What is software quality assurance? The primary objective of quality assurance (QA) in software development is to guarantee the product’s proper functionality, deliver software of optimal quality, and eliminate superfluous procedures. It […]

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The QA Process at Freight-Hub

The QA Process at Freight-Hub

Jasri Silvika Aysyah Quality Engineer Enthusiast Freight-hub

What is software quality assurance?

The primary objective of quality assurance (QA) in software development is to guarantee the product’s proper functionality, deliver software of optimal quality, and eliminate superfluous procedures. It involves a comprehensive evaluation of the software’s functionality, accessibility, usability, and dependability. Ensuring that the software product provides a dependable and gratifying user experience is equally as crucial as identifying mere bugs.

QA Process at Freight-hub

QA at Freight-hub consists of exhaustively validating and testing the software to ensure that it satisfies the requirements and standards. Detailed below is the QA process as it is implemented at Freight-hub

  1. Requirements Analysis: Quality assurance commences by conducting an exhaustive analysis of the feature’s requirements. QA teams must participate in the earliest phases of requirement analysis in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the specifications and to develop tests accordingly. Gaining an understanding of the product’s functional and non-functional behavior constitutes the requirements analysis. QA teams establish a strong partnership with stakeholders, such as developers and product managers, in order to obtain a comprehensive comprehension of the elements that require testing.
  2. Test Planning and Strategy : QA teams formulate an elaborate test plan and strategy in accordance with the findings of the requirements analysis. This includes the establishment of timelines, the determination of testing methodologies, the identification of test scenarios, and the definition of the testing scope. The test plan functions as a strategic guide for the complete QA procedure.
  3. Test Case Development: In accordance with the test plan and requirements documentation, QA teams construct exhaustive test cases. A test case comprises a series of required operations that must be executed on a system in order to validate its proper operation. Test cases must encompass a wide range of product scenarios. Each test case delineates the sequential operations to be performed, the anticipated results, and the standards for success or failure.
  4. Manual Testing: In order to simulate real-world scenarios, validate business logic, and detect usability issues, QA teams conduct manual testing. Exploratory testing is a component of manual testing that aims to detect concealed flaws and extreme cases. Generally, manual testing is executed with great attention to detail in order to pursue test cases and inspect the software for flaws.
  5. Regression testing : is an essential component of the logistics software development lifecycle, as it guarantees that any modifications made without proper notification or prior notice do not disrupt established functionalities or introduce unanticipated side effects.
  6. Reporting and Documentation: QA teams maintain records of their findings, test results, and defects identified during the entirety of the QA process. Extensive reports are generated with the purpose of conveying testing status, pinpointing areas that require enhancement, and monitoring the resolution of problems. For future reference, documentation guarantees the traceability, accountability, and transparency of QA activities.
  7. Ongoing Enhancement: Quality assurance is an iterative procedure that prioritizes continuous improvement. Through the collection and analysis of testing results, user input, performance metrics, and industry best practices, opportunities for software enhancement and optimization are identified. The application of insights gained from each testing cycle to QA processes is what drives ongoing quality improvements.QA is an essential stage in the software development life cycle. QA aids in risk mitigation and guarantees the product’s dependability and security. The completion of a thorough quality assurance (QA) procedure can result in the delivery of superior software solutions that satisfy the changing demands and anticipations of users, offer value to clients, and sustain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

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Effortless Monitoring: Embrace Online Tracking for Multimodal Shipping Wed, 06 Mar 2024 06:30:47 +0000 Blogs / Effortless Monitoring: Embrace Online Tracking for Multimodal Shipping Effortless Monitoring: Embrace Online Tracking for Multimodal Shipping WED, 6 MAR 24 Iip as Mobile Engineer Freight-hub In the modern digital era, advances in technology has facilitated the execution of an extensive variety of activities through online platforms. One such application is the tracking and […]

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Effortless Monitoring: Embrace Online Tracking for Multimodal Shipping

Iip as Mobile Engineer Freight-hub

In the modern digital era, advances in technology has facilitated the execution of an extensive variety of activities through online platforms. One such application is the tracking and monitoring of multimodal transportation processes, which are presently accessible to all participant stakeholders.

What is multimodal shipping?

The transport of goods or cargo via multiple modes of transportation comprises multimodal shipping. It comprises the shipping of goods to their ultimate destination via a variety of modes, including sea transport, rail, Trucking, air, or a combination of these. This methodology provides enhanced adaptability, effectiveness, and dependability in logistical processes, specifically for intricate supply chains or extensive long-distance transportation needs. Multimodal delivery frequently necessitates the integration and coordination of various modalities of transport in order to guarantee the timely and efficient transportation of products to their designated recipients.

As per the rules stated in Government Regulation Number 8 of 2011, Paragraph (1) of Multimodal Transportation, the transport of goods from the point of receipt to a designated destination for delivery to the recipient via a minimum of two distinct modes of transportation, as stipulated in a solitary contract and documented as a multimodal transportation document. This definition briefly encompasses various fundamental components of multimodal transport operations:

  1. Origin and Destination: Goods are dispatched from an initial location to a predetermined destination.
  2. Multiple Modes of Transportation: The process involves the utilization of two or more modes of transportation, such as sea, rail, road, or air, to facilitate the movement of goods.
  3. A singular contract document, known as the multimodal transportation document, regulates the entirety of the transportation process. It specifies the conditions and terms of the cargo from point of departure to point of arrival.

Multimodal shipping guarantees the effective and synchronized transportation of commodities through the integration of these components, thereby furnishing an all-encompassing solution for logistics and supply chain administration

Multimoda Illustration

Using two modes of transportation, the process of conveying products from their point of origin to their final destination is shown in the illustration above. The quantity of transit sites, including points 1 and 2, is subject to variation contingent upon the quantity of modes of transportation utilized in the delivery procedure.

Also read article : Streamlining Frontend Development : The Modular Approach

multimodal transport?

In contrast to multimodal shipping, unimodal shipping is an alternative method. Unimodal delivery refers to the exclusive use of a single vehicle mode to transport products from the point of origin to the designated destination. For example, unimodal delivery is achieved when products are transported from the Cikarang Warehouse to the Bekasi Warehouse exclusively via vehicle. Within the given context, a solitary mode of transportation, namely a truck, is utilized to transport and offload merchandise from the Cikarang Warehouse to the Bekasi Warehouse.Unimodal shipping can present difficulties in specific circumstances, especially when products are being transported between islands. When unimodal shipping is chosen, the expenses associated with each shipment may increase. 

The importance of multimodal shipping becomes apparent at this juncture. Trucks are initially utilized to convey the products destined for delivery from the warehouse to the port or airport. The inter-island delivery process is subsequently facilitated via aircraft or vessel. After the products arrive at the destination island, they are transported to the unloading location via vehicle. By strategically utilizing various modes of transportation, this approach guarantees optimal efficiency and cost-effectiveness when managing the intricate challenges associated with inter-island shipping. 

Multimodal shipping is not only advantageous in terms of cost reduction but also significantly contributes to the mitigation of time lost during the transshipment of products. Moreover, it streamlines the shipping process for the sender by concentrating accountability on a solitary agent who oversees every arrangement. The Single Seamless Service (S3) indicators show that the primary goal of multimodal shipping is to offer a seamless and all-encompassing service. This requires a solitary operator, tariff, and document for the transportation of products.

How do I monitor online multimodal shipments?

The surveillance and tracking of commodity delivery in an efficient manner is of the utmost importance for logistics stakeholders, particularly consignees. As a result, it is critical that shippers provide a platform that streamlines the process of accessing the travel history of dispatched goods for consignees. Freight-hub is identified as the favored solution for shipment monitoring and delivery recording. 

This platform provides users with the convenience of real-time access, functioning round the clock. In addition, the monitoring capabilities of the Freight-hub platform are expanded to include multimodal cargo. The completion of the Delivery Report form by your fleet is all that is required. Container number, vessel name, and departure date are all details that can be conveniently accessed through the platform. 

Consignees are subsequently able to monitor shipments in real-time. Intrigued as to how it functions? Intrigued by the opportunity to observe the comprehensive multimodal products delivery process from inception to conclusion? Contact our sales team without delay in order to arrange a complimentary demonstration.

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Streamlining Frontend Development: The Modular Approach Fri, 23 Feb 2024 03:13:58 +0000 Blogs / Streamlining Frontend Development: The Modular Approach Streamlining Frontend Development: The Modular Approach TUE, 1 JAN 23 by Firsta Royan Daliska front end engineering at Freight-hub In the dynamic realm of web development, the architecture underpinning front-end applications plays a crucial role in dictating their maintainability and performance. As businesses endeavor to satisfy increasingly […]

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Streamlining Frontend Development The Modular Approach

Streamlining Frontend Development: The Modular Approach

by Firsta Royan Daliska front end engineering at Freight-hub

In the dynamic realm of web development, the architecture underpinning front-end applications plays a crucial role in dictating their maintainability and performance. As businesses endeavor to satisfy increasingly complex user demands amidst rapid technological advancements, a recurring challenge surfaces: the quest to design scalable, manageable, and responsive applications within this intricate landscape.

A robust frontend architecture is fundamental to maintaining a codebase that remains comprehensible and maintainable over time. It is the cornerstone that eases the integration of new features, refines existing components, and mitigates unexpected bugs. Ideally, our architectural vision advocates for a structure composed of modules characterized by low coupling and high cohesion.

Here, I’d like to write about the architecture of our frontend codebase, which embodies the modular approach.

Classical Approach

Before we dissect the modular approach, let’s revisit the challenges encountered on the traditional path.


Our initial project structure was a monolithic classic—a sprawling expanse where similar components like pages, UI elements, and routes, instead of being encapsulated within a common module, were disjointed. This led to multiple instances of near-identical modules being managed separately, a practice far from optimal.

Navigating such a codebase proved to be a formidable task. Developers often found themselves in a maze, seeking out components and discerning their roles. As the project expanded, the monolithic structure became a battleground where maintaining coherence was as challenging as it was critical. The interconnectedness meant that a single module’s alteration could cascade into unpredicted errors across the application, due to the convoluted coupling and the scattered distribution of UI and business logic.

This complexity was also a nightmare for new joiners, who faced a steep learning curve, necessitating a deep dive into the project’s depths before they could effectively contribute. This onboarding process was not just time-intensive—it was a resource-intensive endeavor.

In response to these challenges, extensive research and deliberation led us to adopt a modular approach—an architecture that promises clarity, decoupling, and navigability.

Modular Approach


The above illustration showcases an ecosystem where our applications like ‘Shipper’, ‘Internal’, and ‘Transporter’, etc interface with a suite of clearly delineated modules such as’mod-auth’,’mod-chat’, ‘mod-shipper’, and ‘mod-admin, etc’. This approach not only encapsulates the essential elements like Page, UI, and Route Service that an app requires but does so within a business domain context, enhancing relevance and efficiency.

The above illustration showcases an ecosystem where our applications like ‘Shipper’, ‘Internal’, and ‘Transporter’, etc interface with a suite of clearly delineated modules such as’mod-auth’,’mod-chat’, ‘mod-shipper’, and ‘mod-admin, etc’. This approach not only encapsulates the essential elements like Page, UI, and Route Service that an app requires but does so within a business domain context, enhancing relevance and efficiency.

Each module stands as an entity that is purpose-driven and independent, culminating in a codebase that is both robust and agile. The structure lays out a transparent pathway for ongoing and future development, streamlining the application enhancement process.

By separating modules with explicit boundaries and distinct responsibilities, we’ve fostered an environment where low coupling and high cohesion are not just ideals—they are the norm. The orchestration of updates across modules, managed by Nx within our monorepo framework, epitomizes this philosophy.

The clarity and developer-centric design afforded by Nx have vastly improved the development experience. It also has empowered teams to operate concurrently on different parts of the application, avoiding the risk of stepping on each other’s toe.

This modular transformation is not only a victory for our developers but for our users as well. It has translated into a development process that is more direct, accelerating the journey of features from ideation to deployment. The result is a faster delivery of value to users, meeting their needs with greater alacrity and precision.

AI’s impact extends to route optimization, where algorithms consider factors like traffic and weather to create efficient transportation routes. Autonomous vehicles, such as self-driving trucks and drones, are becoming a reality, promising safer, more efficient, and cost-effective transportation solutions. Warehouses are witnessing an automation revolution with AI-driven robots and drones handling tasks like picking and packing. Furthermore, real-time supply chain visibility provided by AI is enhancing transparency, reducing disruptions, and improving overall supply chain efficiency.

While the benefits of AI in logistics are evident, challenges like data security and the need for skilled AI professionals should not be underestimated. Nevertheless, as businesses continue to embrace AI-driven solutions, the future of logistics promises even greater efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer experiences. In this rapidly changing industry, AI is not just an option—it’s a necessity for staying competitive.

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Understanding the Importance of Tech Support in Operation Fri, 16 Feb 2024 07:54:13 +0000 Blogs / Understanding the Importance of Tech Support in day to day Operation Understanding the Importance of Tech Support in day to day Operation TUE, 1 JAN 23 Yudha Eko Pratama – Tech Support Freighthub Freight-hub has gained recognition as an innovative platform that streamlines the management of shipments across multiple modes of transportation, connecting […]

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The Importance of Tech Support in day to day Operation

Understanding the Importance of Tech Support in day to day Operation

Yudha Eko Pratama – Tech Support Freighthub

Freight-hub has gained recognition as an innovative platform that streamlines the management of shipments across multiple modes of transportation, connecting factories with distributors/warehouses. In addition to facilitating real-time monitoring of hundreds to thousands of shipments concurrently and digital document verification to ensure data accuracy and integrity, Freight-huboffers these features and more.

  1. Modes of Shipping DiversificationFreight-hubfacilitates the management of complex shipments via land, sea, and air. By utilizing direct and multimodal delivery capabilities, organizations can optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of their logistics operations.
  2. Up-to-Date Monitoring: This platform enables organizations to concurrently monitor hundreds to thousands of shipments. This is a proactive measure to optimize delivery routes and respond to field dynamics, as opposed to merely monitoring.
  3. Digital Document Verification: By converting documents to digital format,Freight-hubstreamlines the process of document verification. In addition to reducing the potential for document loss, this improves the overall efficacy of the document management process in logistics.
  4. Efficient invoicing ManagementFreight-hubcapability to manage invoicing from the transporter to the consignee is one of its superior qualities. This facilitates the monitoring of financial processes in great detail by both parties and increases the transparency of financial flows.

This intricate shipping procedure would consume a great deal of time and resources in the absence of Freight-hub ‘s assistance, creating the possibility of data inconsistencies in the field that are challenging to manually monitor. However, during the implementation phase, technical issues may arise in the absence of complete cooperation from new users. Obstacles may include inaccurate data entry, order upload errors, or other similar complications. The hero-like nature of Freighthub’s Tech Support role becomes apparent in this situation.

Freight-hub Technical Support: Making Difficulties Easy

The pivotal function of Tech Support in the continuously expanding digital age is to ensure seamless operations and enhance the customer experience. In addition to resolving technical issues, they also serve as mentors to assist users in comprehending and optimizing technology. The two primary roles of Tech Support are:

  1. Prompt Resolution of Technical Challenges: As the primary point of contact, Tech Support guarantees the prompt and effective resolution of technical issues. The capacity to promptly address and rectify issues is critical for sustaining peak performance.
  2. Instruction and Mentorship: Technical support serves not only as a resource for resolving issues, but also as an educator-supporter. They furnish consumers with instruction and direction to ensure that every participant can optimize their utilization ofFreight-hub.

Without hesitation, new users can begin utilizing Freight-hub with the assistance of Tech Support. The Freight-hubteam stands prepared to offer support and resolutions for any challenges that may arise, ensuring that the organization can proceed without hindrance.

Also read the article: Crafting a Data Pipeline: Navigating The Depths of Our ELT Architecture

Freight-hub : An Advancement in Unrestricted Efficiency and Effectiveness

Freight-hub, with Tech Support’s unwavering assistance, is poised to revolutionize the enterprise transportation paradigm. Freighthub transcends being a mere shipping platform by virtue of its integration of cutting-edge technology and dependable support staff. In doing so, it transforms into a strategic partner that aids organizations in enhancing their operational effectiveness and efficiency. Freighthub provides solutions to contemporary logistics challenges in a dynamic global environment. An expedition into a future of logistics that is characterized by enhanced organization, efficiency, and alignment with the expansion of the company. In closing, Tech Support and

Freight-hub : The Appropriate Solution for Efficient Logistics

Its capacity to oversee intricate dispatches revolutionizes the logistics industry. Nonetheless, its performance is inextricably linked to the pivotal function of Tech Support. Freighthub’s Tech Support serves as a trainer and supporter for users in addition to resolving technical issues. By seeking their assistance, users are able to surmount challenges and optimize the capabilities of Freight-hub . A formidable alliance is formed between Tech Support and Freight-hub , which not only enhances operational efficiency but also ensures a seamless user experience. They ensure the success of logistics operations and the long-term expansion of the company.

AI’s impact extends to route optimization, where algorithms consider factors like traffic and weather to create efficient transportation routes. Autonomous vehicles, such as self-driving trucks and drones, are becoming a reality, promising safer, more efficient, and cost-effective transportation solutions. Warehouses are witnessing an automation revolution with AI-driven robots and drones handling tasks like picking and packing. Furthermore, real-time supply chain visibility provided by AI is enhancing transparency, reducing disruptions, and improving overall supply chain efficiency.

While the benefits of AI in logistics are evident, challenges like data security and the need for skilled AI professionals should not be underestimated. Nevertheless, as businesses continue to embrace AI-driven solutions, the future of logistics promises even greater efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer experiences. In this rapidly changing industry, AI is not just an option—it’s a necessity for staying competitive.

The post Understanding the Importance of Tech Support in Operation appeared first on Freight-hub.

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Crafting a Data Pipeline: Navigating the Depths of Our ELT Architecture Fri, 12 Jan 2024 06:32:20 +0000 Blogs / Crafting a Data Pipeline: Navigating the Depths of Our ELT Architecture Crafting a Data Pipeline: Navigating the Depths of Our ELT Architecture TUE, 1 JAN 23 Luthfir Rahman Bagaskara data engineering Freight-hub Greetings tech enthusiasts! Join us on a journey through the intricate landscape of SaaS logistics, where data reigns supreme. In this […]

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Crafting a Data Pipeline: Navigating the Depths of Our ELT Architecture

Crafting a Data Pipeline: Navigating the Depths of Our ELT Architecture

Luthfir Rahman Bagaskara data engineering Freight-hub

Greetings tech enthusiasts! Join us on a journey through the intricate landscape of SaaS logistics, where data reigns supreme. In this blog, we’ll unravel the layers of sophistication within our ELT (Extract, Load, Transform) data pipeline—an orchestration meticulously composed using Python and BigQuery. Get ready for a nuanced exploration that’s reshaping the very fabric of data management in our dynamic industry.

We using Layering on our ELT Process from Database Production or another external sources to Google BigQuery, We have 4 Layers to tailoring our Table into one single source of data for our clients Report:

to individual client needs. It’s not just data transformation; it’s a symphony of tailored insights.

Layer 1 (L1): Extract and Load the Source(s)

Embark on the foundational notes of L1, where raw data emerges from production tables. No complexities, just extraction and loading the original table to our L1 Dataset.

Extract and Load the Source

Layer 2 (L2) and Layer 3(L3): Combining and Transforming

Enter the realm of L2, where tables gracefully intertwine based on functionality. Dimension tables emerge as artistic canvases, holding intricate details like user nuances and vehicle specifics. Beside them, Fact tables paint a vivid picture of our operations—orders, trips, finance, and beyond.

Discover the nuanced composition of L3, where data transforms to resonate with each client’s unique symphony. Business logic takes center stage, delicately crafted to cater to individual client needs. It’s not just data transformation; it’s a symphony of tailored insights.


Layer 4 (L4): Harmonize the Data

The grand crescendo arrives in L4—the pinnacle of our orchestration. Here, L2 and client-specific L3 converge into a harmonious tableau. Picture a symphony of data accessibility, where multiple reports seamlessly emanate from this singular, data-rich source. It’s not merely a layer; it’s a crescendo, a culmination of orchestrated data brilliance. And last Product of our L4 use on some platforms and projects like Looker Studio, Auto Mailing, AI platform, and Machine Learning Project for advanced analytics

Also read the article: Moving Forward in 2024 and Beyond

Advantages Amplified:

  • Witness a significant reduction in data discrepancies as our approach prioritizes precision.
  • Precision in Data Notes

The Melody of Data Accessibility

  • L4 becomes the epicenter of a data symphony, simplifying the reporting process. Multiple reports effortlessly harmonize from this singular, powerhouse table.

Bespoke Transformations, Crafted like Art

  • The transformative power of L3 ensures that clients don’t just receive data; they experience a tailored masterpiece.


Our ELT Pipeline transcends a mere pipeline; it’s a symphony of data orchestration. In the dynamic tapestry of SaaS logistics, this approach isn’t just about managing data; it’s a celebration of its essence. Join us in this tech-driven saga, where data isn’t just a commodity; it’s the hero of an eloquent tale.

The post Crafting a Data Pipeline: Navigating the Depths of Our ELT Architecture appeared first on Freight-hub.

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Tahun Baru, Nama Baru! Mon, 08 Jan 2024 07:41:22 +0000 Blogs / Tahun Baru, Nama Baru! Tahun baru, nama baru! MON, 08 JAN 24 Pelanggan yang terhormat, Dengan bangga kami umumkan bahwa perusahaan kami berubah nama menjadi Freighthub.  Tapi jangan khawatir,  Kami memastikan bahwa komitmen kami untuk memberikan produk dan layanan berkualitas tetap sama bahkan akan jauh lebih baik.  Efektif per tanggal 9 Januari 2024, […]

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Tahun baru, nama baru!

Tahun baru, nama baru!

Pelanggan yang terhormat,

Dengan bangga kami umumkan bahwa perusahaan kami berubah nama menjadi Freighthub

Tapi jangan khawatir, 

Kami memastikan bahwa komitmen kami untuk memberikan produk dan layanan berkualitas tetap sama bahkan akan jauh lebih baik. 

Efektif per tanggal 9 Januari 2024, Anda dapat mengakses aplikasi kami melalui :

Namun, Anda masih tetap dapat masuk dengan detail login sebelumnya dan mengakses produk dan layanan kami tanpa gangguan maksimal tanggal 9 April 2024

Jika ada pertanyaan seputar kendala dan cara akses, anda dapat menghubungi kami melalui Tech Support melalui link

Terima kasih atas dukungan dan kesetian Anda. Kami berharap dapat melayani Anda dengan baik di bawah nama baru kami.

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Moving Forward in 2024 and Beyond Wed, 03 Jan 2024 04:24:59 +0000 Blogs / Moving Forward in 2024 and Beyond Moving Forward in 2024 and Beyond WED, 3 JAN 24 Lingga Aristo Commercial head at Freight-hub The world of logistics and shipping is always changing. The past four years, from the COVID pandemic to the economic recovery and supply chain crisis that followed it, have shown that […]

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Moving Forward in 2024 and Beyond

Moving Forward in 2024 and Beyond

Lingga Aristo Commercial head at Freight-hub

The world of logistics and shipping is always changing. The past four years, from the COVID pandemic to the economic recovery and supply chain crisis that followed it, have shown that the global supply chain is prone to disruption but also innovation.

According to the Forbes Technology Council, there are six key trends that are likely to affect logistics and shipping in 2024 and beyond:

  1. Digitalization,

    Although digitalization in shipping has been talked about for a long time, by next year, it will finally be a reality for many shippers. The bottom line is that the COVID pandemic and transition to remote work forced the shipping and logistics industry to digitalize. Big shipping players such as Maersk, MSC, Hapag-Lloyd, and others were digitized. But something miraculous happened: boutique regulations and shipping companies also digitized, and in many cases, they implemented their own software systems and tools for their customers.

  2. Artificial intelligence (AI) and blockchain technology

    could further digitalize and automate the world of shipping. It is expected that developments in those areas will improve real-time shipment tracking and supply chain visibility to build on the software that has already been deployed in the industry. Another massive move toward digitalization is the introduction of paperless shipping.

    Also read the article: Discovering Saas’s Potential in ERP Logistics With Freighthub

  3. Economic Headwinds,

    After a rocky pandemic-era economic period and post-Covid economic shockwaves, every businessperson hopes that tough economic times are behind us. There are many aspects of the economy to feel confident in: rising wages, steps toward a reduced income gap, reduced regulations, and, yes, inflation finally starting to decrease. However, many challenges remain. Inflation is not yet low enough that shippers can increase their revenue and profits without increasing costs. In Q3 2023, fuel prices rose dramatically, and that has been passed down to major ocean shipping lines. With Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ countries having reduced global oil production, more volatility is likely ahead in 2024.

  4. Sustainability,

    sustainability, and greener business practices have been discussed for years. But with frequent and costly natural disasters becoming the norm amid a changing climate, the shipping and logistics industry has started to step up and take bold steps. There have been regulations, such as the International Maritime Organization’s “IMO 2020” rule, requiring cleaner fuel and retrofitted emissions scrubbers installed on older vessels. By 2024, more bold action will likely have been announced. Water shortages, such as the low water levels seen this year in the Panama Canal, and excessive drought throughout the western United States, are here to stay. Ports all over the world have been forced to suspend operations periodically due to climate-related events. The private sector has stepped up over the past few years with initiatives to promote zero-carbon shipping by 2050 (and in some cases sooner). Shipping leaders such as Maersk have led the way, and new ships are being built with electricity and alternative fuel sources in mind. Still, it will be a while until logistics is completely green.

  5. Last-mile Delivery,

    The last-mile delivery ecosystem has changed rapidly over the past few years, and by 2024, major U.S. retailers will have taken steps to take over many aspects of their last-mile delivery operations. Over the past few years, Walmart, Target and Home Depot all expanded their last-mile delivery options, opting to take over some operations from existing carriers in order to offer services like faster deliveries. Many retailers have also opted for same-day delivery offerings. With regulations and oversight having been implemented, autonomous delivery solutions, such as self-driving trucks, could enter real-world use as early as 2024. Last-mile delivery continues to be a challenging part of logistics, especially after supply chain issues in 2021 and 2022. Major companies are exploring partnerships with new fulfillment partners and even taking on last-mile delivery themselves. That trend should continue.

  6. Supply Chain Resilience,

    The Covid pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in global supply chains. In response, companies are rethinking their supply chain strategies to enhance resilience and implement risk management. This includes diversifying suppliers, changing how goods are sourced and, for some companies, just having a plan. Analytics is becoming even more important and will play a big role in identifying potential risks and associated responses.

  7. Cybersecurity,

    As the shipping and logistics world digitizes, cybersecurity is becoming more important than ever. In 2024, it is likely that the shipping industry at-large, as well as related partners, will invest heavily in cybersecurity. The United States has invested in cybersecurity for government operations, and the private sector has started to do so on a vast scale. Now, it will be time for shipping to do the same as more sensitive data is moved into the cloud and shippers realize that cyber risks have grown exponentially since the Covid pandemic.

As an experienced logistics SaaS company, Freighthub has watched the beginnings of each of these six trends take hold in recent years. We have no doubt that 2024 will be a year of profound investment and focus on the future in the areas of digitalization, sustainability, last-mile delivery, supply chain resilience and cybersecurity.

Last but not least, we want to say a heartfelt thank you to all of our amazing customers. we wish your company all the best as we enter 2024. We look forward to working together throughout the upcoming year.

Source: Saka, Sedat. 2023. Six Trends For Shipping And Logistics Globally In 2024 And Beyond. Forbes.

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